Abnormalities in the bladder function causes inconvenience to both male and female in Kuwait, unless treated by a good urologist

Neurogenic bladder or loss of bladder sensation and motor control falls under the study of neurourology at Kuwaiti German Urology Unit here in Kuwait. Neurourology disorders occur because of brain or spinal cord injury or a disease that interrupts nerve conduction in the pelvic area and because of this neurological interruption, the body does not sense the fullness of the bladder, thus causing abnormalities in the bladder function.


— Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.

د. علي مهدي زادة

الوحدة الكويتية الالمانية لجراحة الكلى و المسالك البولية و التناسلية

عيادة الدكتور على مهدي زاده
