الوحدة الكويتية الالمانية لجراحة الكلى و المسالك البولية و التناسلية Reduce the consumption of animal-based protein & add more fruits & vegetables to the daily diet
“Reducing the consumption of animal-based protein and adding more fruits and vegetables to the daily diet will help decrease urine acidity and thereby reducing the chance for stone formation,” mentioned Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, here in Kuwait.
Purine, a naturally occurring compound found in red meat and shellfish is causes high amount of uric acid which then crystallises as stones in the kidneys.
مثال رائع من فن عمليات المسالك البولية بالكويت
— Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.
د. علي مهدي زادة
الوحدة الكويتية الالمانية لجراحة الكلى و المسالك البولية و التناسلية
عيادة الدكتور على مهدي زاده