Kidney Stone Care for Patients in Kuwait – تطور العلاج الطبي بالكويت – Kidney Stone Care for Patients at Kuwait Medical International KMI

Patients with kidney stone should drink enough water and other fluids to produce at least 2000ml of urine in the 24-hour period and people who are subjected to need even more fluids to keep them hydrated throughout the day and keeping oneself adequately hydrated by drinking enough fluid is the most important thing a person can do to prevent kidney stones formation.


Services & Procedures for Women at Kuwaiti German Urology Unit
علاج متقدم و مخصص للحالب الكلى المثانة و المجرى البولي و كذلك علاج المسالك البولية و التناسلية للاطفال.


— Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.


د. علي مهدي زادة

الوحدة الكويتية الالمانية لجراحة الكلى و المسالك البولية و التناسلية

عيادة الدكتور على مهدي زاده
