![تواجد بعض الاطباء Doctors from Kuwait Medical International provided vital information to the audiences during this event](https://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/تواجد-بعض-الاطباء.jpeg)
Kuwait Medical International conducts educational sessions for teenage girls
Kuwait, January 18, 2018: The ‘Events & Public Relations Department’ of Kuwait Medical International (KMI) organised a one-day enlightening, educative & informative event on January 16, 2018 on its campus for teenage female members of Al-Abrar Summer Club. Specialists and doctors from various departments such as Clinical Laboratory, Diet & Nutrition, Gynaecology, ENT, Urology and Dental Surgery were part of this edifying discourse that mainly highlighted teenage issues and their transition into womanhood.
The event, conducted by KMI as part its ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ kept the young audience hooked to the knowledge that was being offered by the specialists, highly-trained and experienced doctors. Dr. Khadije Nadar, Laboratory Director at Jarallah German Specialized Clinic demonstrated the physical, emotional and behavioural changes that occur on the female human body in various stages during the onset of puberty in girls. She mentioned about hormonal imbalance that takes place due to unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyle and the importance to maintain proper health during this circuital phase of their lives. She concluded her speech by welcoming them into the fold of adulthood.
Dr. Asma Al-Jamal, from SAMA ENT department at Jarallah German Specialized Clinic pointed out the importance of conducting periodic and regular ENT examination, especially for young girls. She spoke on various issues related to the functioning of Ear, Nose and Throat during the transition phase from early teenage to adulthood, including noticeable changes in voice of the individual. Aala al Jabban, from the ‘Diet & Nutrition’ department of Jarallah German Specialised Clinic mentioned about maintaining good health and healthy lifestyle by incorporating nutritious food in the diet. Finally, complimentary gifts were offered to the audiences at the conclusion of this event.
KMI is a Kuwait-based provider of advanced, innovative & personalised healthcare solutions across a diverse range of medical specialities – providing from straightforward family medicine to complex surgical procedures including urological complications, orthopaedic treatment, plastic surgery and dental cosmetic corrections.
KMI play a significant role in improving the lives of local and expat residents, by providing access to finest, affordable & quality healthcare services for 100,000+ people, each year.
من منطلق المسؤلية الإجتماعية أقامت شركة كويت ميديكال انترناشينال ( مجموعة مراكز الجارالله الالماني التخصصي ) اليوم التوعوي الصحي لأعضاء نادي الأبرار الصيفي والذي أنعقد يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 16 يناير 2018.
و تخلل اليوم بعض المحاضرات التوعوية التي تتناسب مع الفئة العمرية من 17 الي 20 عام حيث ألقت د / خديجة نضر مدير مختبر الجارالله الالماني التخصصي محاضرة توعوية عن التحاليل الدورية الضرورية لهذة المرحلة وتغير الهرمونات وتوعيتهم بأهمية الحفاظ علي صحتهم وعدم الانطواء علي انفسهم عند حدوث التغيرات الخاصة بتلك الفترة من حياتهم وضرورة تواصلهم مع الاسره .
ومن جانب قسم التغذية ألقت أخصائية التغدية أ / آلاء الجبان محاضرة توعوية عن أسرار تحقق الوزن الصحي ومدي اهميتة للحفاظ علي صحتهم علي المدي القريب والبعيد .
وبالتعاون أيضاً مع وحدة سما للأنف والأذن والحنجرة قدمت د / أسماء الجمال محاضرة عن مشاكل التخاطب والنطق وأسباب تغير الصوت في هذه المرحلة العمرية.
و انتهي اليوم بتكريم الرعاة وتوزيع الهدايا علي الحضور من قبل قسم العلاقات العامة والمعارض تحت إشراف كل من …
مدير العلاقات العامة والمعارض / زيـن الـديـن محمد بهجت
مسؤولة العلاقات العامة والمعارض/ إيزيس تاج الدين
![تواجد لبعض الاطباء Doctors from Kuwait Medical International were present at the event](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/تواجد-لبعض-الاطباء-768x512.jpeg)
![تواجد بعض الحضور Members from Al-Abrar Summer Club attended this event](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/تواجد-بعض-الحضور-768x512.jpeg)
![اثناء لإلقاء د. اسماء الجمال المحاضرة Dr. Asma Al-Jamal ENT Specialist from Jarallah German Specialized Clinic addressing the gathering](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/اثناء-لإلقاء-د.-اسماء-الجمال-المحاضرة-768x579.jpeg)
![أثناء توزيع الهدايا علي الحضور Audiences to the event were offered with gifts from the organisers](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/أثناء-توزيع-الهدايا-علي-الحضور-768x512.jpeg)
![أثناء تسجيل الحضور Guests and Invites to the event at the registration desk.](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/أثناء-تسجيل-الحضور-1-768x512.jpeg)
![أثناء إلقاء د. خديجة نضر المحاضرة Dr. Khadije Nadar, Laboratory Director at Jarallah German Specialized Clinic giving lecture about hormonal imbalance on the human body](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/أثناء-إلقاء-د.-خديجة-نضر-المحاضرة-768x431.jpeg)
![أثناء إلقاء ا . آلاء الجبان المحاضرة Dr. Aala al Jabban, dietitian at Jarallah German Specialized Clinic delivering lecture on Diet & Nutrition.](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/أثناء-إلقاء-ا-.-آلاء-الجبان-المحاضرة-768x574.jpeg)
![تواجد بعض الاطباء Doctors from Kuwait Medical International provided vital information to the audiences during this event](http://kmi.healthcare/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/تواجد-بعض-الاطباء-768x571.jpeg)