Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.

Kuwait Medical International hosts ‘Food Intolerance Test’ (Food Print) symposium

Kuwait, January 15, 2018: The laboratory unit of ‘Jarallah German Specialized Clinic’ organised a symposium on Food Intolerance Test (Food Print) on January 09, 2018 in the auditorium located at the campus of Kuwait Medical International’s corporate office building. Chaired by the guest speaker, Mrs. Alison Thompson, Nutritionist Specialist from UK, the event was attended by doctors, specialists, laboratory technicians, academics, and various other healthcare professionals, including Dr. Mohammed Al Jarallah, the General Manager of Kuwait Medical International.

Dr. Khadije Nadar, Laboratory Director at Jarallah German Specialized Clinic highlighted the importance of conducting food intolerance test in managing diseases like migraine, headache, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, obesity, water retention, hyperactivity in children and many more.

The specialised equipment dedicated for conducting food intolerance test or ‘Food Print’ can map, analyse, tabulate and document around 220 commonly consumed foods and their effects on the human body and help determine which foods are causing allergic, negative or even distractive reactions on the affected patients.

Food intolerance test (must not be confused with Food Allergy Test) is relatively new in Kuwait and very few clinical laboratories are equipped to conduct food print. To know more about the usage of Food Intolerance Test in the prevention and managing of diseases and syndromes, please contact the Laboratory Department of Jarallah German Specialized Clinic or ring +965144445 for more details.

Jarallah German Specialized Clinic, managed by ‘Kuwait Medical International’ is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.

قامت الدكتوره خديجه أحمد نضر أمس الثلاثاء الموافق 9/1/2018 بتنسيق وتنظيم محاضره

طبيه لأخصائيه التغذيه الأنجليزيه / أليسون تميسون بقاعه المحاضرات بمركز الجارالله الألماني التخصصي وكان محور المحاضره عن البصمه الغذائيه وأهميتها في الكشف عن الأطعمه التي تسبب حساسيه الطعام من النوع الثالث مما يؤثر سلبا علي صحه الأنسان مسببا أعراض نعاني منها يوميا مثل الصداع النصفي والقولون العصبي والأسهال والأمساك والأحباط والتوتر والنشاط المفرط وعدم التركيز عند الأطفال والأكزيما ….. حيث يعمل الجهاز ( البصمه الغذائيه ) بتكنولوجيا حديثه تسمي تقنيه المايكرو أرري حيث يتم الكشف عن 222 عنصر غذائي شاملا معظم أنواع الطعام من اللحوم والأسماك والخضروات والفواكهه والمكسرات والبهارات . وقد أسعدنا بالحضور الدكتور / محمد الجارالله المدير العام لشركه كويت ميديكال انترناشينول .


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.


Jarallah German Specialized Clinic is Kuwait’s only outpatient clinic with both ISO and TUV Rheinland accreditation from Germany. Located at Hawally, Kuwait, this German Specialized Clinic has been offering the highest standard of patient-focussed German Specialized Healthcare since 2007 to Kuwaiti Nationals, Expatriate-Residents & Visitors.
The laboratory unit of Jarallah German Specialized Clinic Kuwait organised a symposium on Food Intolerance Test Food Print.