Calcium in food prevents the occurrence of calcium oxalate stones formation in kidneys
Calcium in food prevents the occurrence of calcium oxalate stones formation in kidneys says Dr. Ali MehdiZadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.
Calcium from food does not increase the risk of the occurrences of calcium oxalate stones, instead, individuals vulnerable to the formation of calcium oxalate stones should include at least 800 – 1000 mg of calcium in their diet every day. Calcium in the digestive system binds to oxalate from food and keeps it from entering the blood stream and then to kidneys and then the urinary tract, where it can form stones. However, taking calcium supplements instead of calcium rich foods like milk, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, legumes etc. may increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones if they are not taken along with food.
د. علي مهدي زادة
الوحدة الكويتية الالمانية لجراحة الكلى و المسالك البولية و التناسلية
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