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Enuresis treatment at Kuwait Medical International KMI

Enuresis a pervasive problem among children in all the world in addition to its lower  presence among adults.

What is involuntary urination:

Is the kind of involuntary urination on the bed during sleep or on clothes during waking, or both, over the age of bladder control (after the age of four).

Therefore, doctors knew two types of bedwetting:
1. Nocturnal enuresis:
It occurs during sleep, whether day or night and is also called (nocturnal bedwetting).
2. Diurnal enuresis:
It occurs during vigilance and it is urination in underwear without realizing it, and it can be in the form of drops or real wetting in the clothes of the child.

Both types can be primary (from a young age) or secondary (which happens after a period of controlling urine) example due to inflammation.

What are the causes of bedwetting:

Nocturnal enuresis: occurs due to lack of the child’s sense of urination during sleep and therefore he will not wake up to go to the bathroom and the muscles of the bladder continue the contraction, which leads the child to urine on the bed without feeling it.

-Diurnal enuresis: caused by disorders of the urinary organs and the nervous system, therefore, the child loses sense of urination.

May be urinary tract infections or mental and family crisis of the child are an active agent of bedwetting.

Is there a treatment?

Yes, there are several methods of treatment.

  1. Non-drug treatments:
    Wake from sleep
    Training to keep the bed dry
    Urine bell
    Attention to psychological side of the child
    Family reunification and resolution of family disintegration

 Drug treatments:
It is simple and  it is given by a specialist doctor for a certain period.


— Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.


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