Erectile dysfunction treatment from expert urologist at Kuwait Medical International KMI
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the case when the man cannot get an erection to have intercourse or cannot keep an erection long enough to finish having intercourse, erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, but it is more common in men older than 75 years age.
Is Erectile Dysfunction just part of old age?
Erectile dysfunction is not necessary to be only in the elderly. It is true that as you get older you may need more stimulation to get an erection and may also require more time between erections.
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by: diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, stress, anxiety or depression, brain or spinal cord injuries, hypogonadism (which leads to lower testosterone levels), stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and radiation therapy to the testicles, and some types of prostate or bladder surgery, tobacco and alcohol use, and some medications, such as antidepressants, painkillers, high blood pressure medicines.
Also psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction like problems in your relationship with your partner, feeling nervous about sex, presence of bad experience or existence of an earlier stage of sexual dysfunction, also pressure of working, conditions or the family, and feeling depressed can cause erectile dysfunction.
How is the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction?
The doctor will ask some questions and do physical examination, and can test samples of blood and urine for the detection of diseases and disorders in addition to other tests.
How is the treatment of erectile dysfunction?
Treatment of erectile dysfunction depends on the cause. After the doctor’s evaluation of your medical problems and medicines that may cause for you problems in erection, he may prescribe medication to help in strengthening the erection, these medications to be taken orally and in case, if the drugs are not the right option for you, a synthetic version of prostaglandin E can be injected in the penis.
What are the other therapeutic options?
If drugs are not suitable for your condition, you can try:
* The use of penile implants (penile prosthesis)
* Vacuum pump devices
* Surgical procedures.
— Dr. Ali Mehdi Zadeh, Consultant Urologist and Head of Kuwaiti German Urology Unit, CEO & Partner at Kuwait Medical International Company.
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