KMI has announced its participation and involvement at Kuwait Oil Company's annual health, safety and environmental exhibition Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

Kuwait, January 11, 2017: Kuwait Medical International, the healthcare establishment that operates Kuwait’s largest network of private medical centres & medical clinics has announced its participation and involvement at Kuwait Oil Company’s annual health, safety and environmental exhibition that was held on January 04, 2017 as a sponsor to the event.

Entities and units under the umbrella of Kuwait Medical International were actively involved with the employees of the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), the delegates, invitees, participants and visitors during the course of the event. Clinica Joelle, Lausanne Derma Unit, Dental Studio, Sama ENT Unit, Ophthalmology Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Endoscopy, Gastroenterology and ‘Family Medicine Unit’ demonstrated their medical expertise to the KOC Staff, audiences, delegates and attendees. Also, the laboratory unit of Jarallah German Specialized Center offered ‘special’ clinical testing and diagnostics services to the employee of the Kuwait Oil Company.

Kuwait Medical International (KMI) is an integrated healthcare provider that was established to provide safe, affordable and advanced German Healthcare Solutions for different communities across Kuwait & beyond.

With Medical Centres like Jarallah German Specialized Clinic, Berlin Klinik, Jahra Clinic, Dema Clinic, Jarallah German Jahra Clinic, Germania Clinic, Active Medical Center, Dental Studio and Clinica Joelle, KMI is rapidly expanding its own network of Healthcare institutions in Kuwait and is poised to become one of Kuwait’s foremost Healthcare, Dental, Derma, Wellness & Rehabilitation destination for medical consultation in the Middle East.

      تشرفت شركه كويت ميديكال انترناشينال برعايتها لمعرض شركة نفط الكويت السنوي للصحة  والسلامة والبيئه الذي اقيم يوم الخميس الموافق. 01/2018/ 04

      حيث كانت شركه كويت ميديكال انترناشيال هي الممثل الوحيد لجميع المراكز الطبية والمستشفيات بالقطاع الخاص .

      وقد قامت مجموعه مراكز شركه كويت ميديكال انترناشينال بتقديم أقوي العروض الطبيه والتجميليه حيث شارك من قطاع التجميل كلينيكا جويل ووحدة لوزان ديرما ومن قطاع الأسنان مركز دينتل استوديو بالاضافه الي القطاع الطبي حيث شاركت وحده سما للانف والاذن والحنجرة , وحده طب وجراحه العيون , الوحدة الكويتية الالمانيه لجراحه الكلي والمسالك البوليه والتناسليه , وحدة جراحات السمنة والجهاز الهضمي والمناظير المتقدمة , وحدة طب العائله كما شارك ايضا مختبر مركز الجارالله الالماني في تقديم الخدمات المعملية لموظفي الشركة .

Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

German Healthcare in Kuwait Medical International KMI Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

KMI has announced its participation and involvement at Kuwait Oil Company's annual health, safety and environmental exhibition Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

The laboratory unit of Jarallah German Specialized Center offered ‘special’ clinical testing and diagnostics services to the employee of the Kuwait Oil Company. Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

Kuwait Medical International (KMI) is an integrated healthcare provider that was established to provide safe, affordable and advanced German Healthcare Solutions for different communities across Kuwait & beyond. Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company

Entities and units under the umbrella of Kuwait Medical International were actively involved with the employees of the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). Kuwait Medical International marks its presence at Kuwait Oil Company